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Writer's pictureSINEAD ORMISTON

The Objective. Grow Up.

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

This is the title of Ganni x Levi’s 2022 campaign, an ode to mother nature, the two popular brands collaborate in a sustainable denim collection inspired by their infatuation with gardening (Ganni, 2022). The 8-piece limited edition capsule puts ecology at the forefront with each garment created with natural dyes, certified cotton, and water-saving techniques (Levi's, 2022). With focus on inclusivity, the campaign is promoted by influencers of various sizes, cultures and ethnicities with digital muse, Emma Chamberlain, at the forefront.

The primary objective of the collection is to make sustainability accessible and inclusive as can be, whilst maintaining sales and growing the audience of both brands (Vogue, 2022). Success of this objective will be analysed through targeting the consumer, conveying a certain tone through messaging and application through implementation that will be discussed throughout a series of blog posts.

Climate change has reached beyond the point of a fad to a real business risk (Kent & Deeley, 2022).Ditte Reffstrup, creative director of Ganni, acknowledges the importance of promoting sustainability in fun ways to simplify the complexity of sustainability (Vogue, 2022). Their eco-friendly materials, environmentally savvy production methods and limited quantity of garments within the collection contributed to their green print (Prokos, 2022). This eco-objective is appealing because sustainability is now an expected commonplace in the industry (Diamantopoulos et al, 2003, p.477). Their authenticity is a strength for the campaign because their ‘green’, future-forward outlook is attractive to global consumers and global profits.

However, their objective of making sustainable fashion inclusive is contradicted by the campaign. Using Emma Chamberlain as the face of the campaign promotes the outdated perception of the beauty standard. Skinny. White. Blonde. How can a campaign promote sustainable inclusivity brand themselves with the definition of the beauty standard? The typical beauty standard can be underpinned by the theory of Americanisation, the idea that Americanised ideas in terms of culture, politics and means of living should be standardised internationally (Grainge, 2001, p. 5). The campaign's objective is to make sustainable fashion inclusive and accessible. However, their weakness is evident due to the use of an outdated beauty standard promoting the campaign that limits their communication strategy on a global and commercial scale.

A Beauty Standard Photoshop Board:

The Copenhagen fashion house values gives space for an opportunity to internationalise the slow living ways that their Scandinavian culture is rooted in. Levi’s represents an Americanised approach to the market whereas Ganni approaches the market in a more sustainable light. The eco-objectives of this collaboration gives a chance to challenge this commercial and Americanised approach to the fashion industry by localising Ganni’s culture. This will help with creating a new industry norm and shape the way in which the industry operates towards a more slow-fashion cycle. The Scandinavian culture of ethics could appeal to a global audience wanting to turn to a more conscious way of life.

The campaign’s objective must take into consideration cultural differences. The American way of life is rooted in capitalism and the nation’s sense of self-importance (Ciuciuc, 2021, p.491). This represents a stark contrast against the Scandinavian approach of aligning good ethics and selflessness throughout every fabric of society (Beekman et al, 2017, p.38). Americanisation of the objective is another factor to be avoided, as capitalisation on their ethical message will only counteract their aim of authenticity (Aysha, 2004). Thus, a threat to the objective of the campaign is the level of their appealing nature to the American target audience. Balancing international cultural needs with commercialisation will remain a challenge throughout the campaign.

An optimistic lens deduces that the strengths and opportunities of ‘Grow Up’ outweigh the weaknesses and threats. Alongside the ethical implication of the Americanised beauty standard, threat of the industrial workings of international cultural differences do remain a concern. However, a positive opportunity of internationality and new industrial norms creates excitement in terms of ethical and cultural implications of the campaign’s objective. The ethical implication of an authentic, inclusive sustainability objective remains a strength for Ganni and Levi’s by successfully building global relations.

Grow Up’s objective is one that I believe inspires global audiences as the campaign communicates itself in a humorous way, allowing for an appealing nature to be built.

word count: 698


1. Aysha, E. (2004) 'The Limits and Contradictions of 'Americanization'', Socialist Register, Volume 40.

2. Beekman, A. et al, (2017) 'ACCOUNTING AND CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN MEXICO, SWEDEN, SOUTH KOREA, & THE USA.', Allied Academies International Conference: Proceedings of the Academy of Accounting & Financial Studies (AAFS), 22(1), pp. 38-43.

3. Ciuciuc, V. (2021) 'Sustainability and Financing: “The American Way of Life”– Switching Gears Towards a Sustainable Approach', Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 9(4), pp. 489-498.

4. Diamantopoulos, A. et al, (2003) 'Can socio-demographic factors still play a role in profiling green consumers? A review of the evidence and an empirical investigation', Journal of Business Research, Volume 56, pp. 465-480.

5. Gordon, J. (2014) Sustainable fashion: past, present, and future. 1st ed. London : Bloomsbury Academic.

6. Ganni (2022) Levi's x Ganni. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 October 2022].

7. Grainge, P. (2001) 'Global Media and the Ambiguities of Resonant Americanism', American Studies International, 39(3), pp. 4-24.

8. Kent, S. & Deeley, R. (2022) Fashion’s Climate Challenge: From Marketing to Risk Mitigation. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 30 October 2022].

9. Levi's (2022) Grow Up LEVI’S® X GANNI. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 August 2022].

10. Lo, F.-Y. & Alena, K. (2018) 'Entry timing into international markets: evidence from the Taiwanese service industry', Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 31(1), pp. 1059-1077.

11. Prokos, H.(2022) Emma Chamberlain’s Denim Vest Look Is A Y2K-Meets-2022 Moment. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 November 2022].

12. Vogue (2022) Ganni X Levi’s Latest Collaboration Is All About Natural Dyes. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 October 2022].

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